Figure 6.
Electron-Transfer from SMOB-Pyridine Nucleotide Complexes to Cytochrome c. Reactions shown were initiated by rapid mixing in the stopped-flow. Curves passing through the data represent the best exponential fits through the absorbance data recorded at 550 nm. Reactions of 25 μM reduced SMOB-NADH complex prepared by anaerobic titration of 70 μM NADH with 30 μM oxidized cytochrome c (blue) and 18 μM oxidized SMOB with 400 μM NADH and 30 μM cytochrome c (red) were fit with monoexponential (k = 30 s−1) and biexponential (k1, k2 ~50 s−1). Inset shows the best monoexponential fit through data from the reaction of 5 μM oxidized cytochrome c with 25 μM reduced SMOB-NAD+ complex prepared by anaerobic titration with stoichiometric dithionite and 3 mM NAD+ (k = 13.6 s−1).