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. 2013 Nov 14;10:E188. doi: 10.5888/pcd10.130124
Enrollment Survey Questions Follow-Up Survey Questions
1) How often do you come to this farmers market? 1) How often do you come to this farmers market?
a. This is my first time at this market. a. This is my first time at this market since I enrolled in the Fresh Fund.
b. Every week b. Every week
c. Once a month c. Once a month
d. Twice a month d. Twice a month
e. 1–2 times a season e. 1–2 times a season
f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
2) How did you hear about Fresh Fund? 2) How important is the Fresh Fund in your decision to come to this market?
a. Word of mouth a. Very important (I wouldn’t have come without it)
b. WIC b. Important
c. FRC c. Somewhat important
d. Media d. Not important (The Fresh Fund did not affect my decision to come to this market. I would have come without it.)
e. Flyers e. Other _____
f. Other _____ f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
g. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
3) How likely are you to shop at this Farmers Market if you can still use EBT/WIC, but without the Fresh Fund incentive? 3) How likely are you to shop at this Farmers Market if you can still use EBT/WIC, but without the Fresh Fund incentive?
a. Completely likely a. Completely likely
b. Somewhat likely b. Somewhat likely
c. Somewhat unlikely c. Somewhat unlikely
d. Completely unlikely d. Completely unlikely
e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
4) How much on average do you spend on fresh fruits and vegetables per week? 4) How much on average do you spend on fresh fruits and vegetables per week?
a. Less than $10 a. Less than $10
b. $10–$19 b. $10–$19
c. $20–$29 c. $20–$29
d. $30–$39 d. $30–$39
e. $40 or more e. $40 or more
f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
5) On average, how many servings of fruits and/or vegetables do you usually eat each day? (1 serving = 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables or ½ cup raw or cooked other fruits/vegetables, or 1 piece) 5) On average, how many servings of fruits and/or vegetables do you usually eat each day? (1 serving = 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables or ½ cup raw or cooked other fruits/vegetables, or 1 piece)
a. Less than 1 serving a day a. Less than 1 serving a day
b. 1–2 servings a day b. 1–2 servings a day
c. 3–4 servings a day c. 3–4 servings a day
d. 5+ servings a day d. 5+ servings a day
e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
6) Of all fruits and vegetables you buy each week, how much comes from a Farmers Market? 6) Of all fruits and vegetables you buy each week, how much comes from a Farmers Market?
a. Less than 25% a. Less than 25%
b. 25%–49% b. 25%–49%
c. 50%–75% c. 50%–75%
d. 75% or more d. 75% or more
e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know e. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know
7) In general, how healthy would you say your overall diet is? 7) In general, how healthy would you say your overall diet is?
a. Very healthy a. Very healthy
b. Healthy b. Healthy
c. Average c. Average
d. Unhealthy d. Unhealthy
e. Very unhealthy e. Very unhealthy
f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know f. Missing/no answer/refused/don’t know