Eat healthier, live healthier |
29 |
More fruit, vegetables, food from garden
Stop eating high-calorie snacks, soda
Cook at home: batch meals for week, instead of eating out
Drink 8 glasses of water a day
Stop eating red meat; keep food diary; lower sugar intake
Weight loss
Buy less fatty foods
Make meal decisions as family
Watch “Supersize Me” video
Family will get along better
Physical activity |
21 |
Walk along river with family, on treadmill 35–45 min/d; 15–20 min/d with husband
Work out: plan for me and son, join gym, increase muscles, decrease body fat 20%, aerobics
Outside play for kids
Swimming, dancing, running, improving cardio
Educate family |
10 |
Education about obesity, sugary drinks, snacks
Read about new health issue each month
Educate congregation (from pastor)
Tell others what I’ve learned about diabetes
Deal with diabetes |
7 |
Motivation |
6 |
Motivate family around diabetes prevention, healthful foods, and exercise
Motivate children around plan for exercise
Encourage others to exercise, encourage congregation around diabetes and obesity prevention
More frequent discussion around prevention strategies
More outdoor sports
More family time, trust, love
Spreading prevention message
Doctors’ appointments |
4 |
Regular check-ups around diabetes testing
Keep doctors’ appointments
Ask questions during visits
Other |
8 |
Environmental factors: retire from job to more fun, healthful activities
Move to a cheaper house
Keep taking iron pills for better red cell count
Stop smoking
Meditate 20 min/d
Take less medication