Host Dia1 and Akt are not required for MT stabilization by HSV-1. (A) NHDFs were treated with Ctrl or Dia1 siRNAs and then mock-infected or infected at m.o.i. 10 for 16 h. (Left) Fixed samples were stained for Ac-MTs. (Right) Parallel samples were lysed and analyzed by WB with the indicated antibodies. (B–D) Dia1 has minimal effects on HSV-1 spread. NHDFs were treated with Ctrl or either of two different Dia1 siRNAs and then infected at m.o.i. 0.0005 for 3 d. (B) Representative phase and fluorescence (GFP) images of plaques formed by HSV-1-GFP-Us11. (C) WB analysis of lysates from B, using the indicated antibodies. HSV-1, antibody against HSV-1 virions. (D) Levels of infectious virus present in culture supernatants after infection with HSV-1 strain F, determined by titration on Vero cells. (E) NHDFs were treated with DMSO (−) or AKTVIII (+) and then infected at m.o.i. 10 for 16 h. (E, Top) Fixed samples were stained for Tyr-MTs (red) and Ac-MTs (green). (E, Bottom) WB analysis of lysates, using the indicated antibodies.