Figure 3. see also Table S4 and Table S5. Resveratrol decreases inflammatory response in visceral WAT of rhesus monkeys fed a HFS diet for 2 years.
(A) IκBα protein levels in visceral WAT. (B) phosphorylated NF-κB/NF-κB ratio in visceral WAT. (C) Acetylated NF-κB protein content in visceral WAT. IP with a control IgG did not result in NF-κB detection (data not shown). (D) mRNA expression for IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β and adiponectin in visceral WAT. (E) IκBα protein levels in subcutaneous WAT. (F) Phosphorylated NF-κB/NF-κB ratio in subcutaneous WAT. (A to F) Results are expressed in a dot plot format, which represents the individual data and the mean. (A and E) n=10 for each group. (B) n=9 (HFS diet); n=8 (HFS + Resv diet). (C) n=10 (HFS diet); n=9 (HFS + Resv diet). (D) IL-6 and IL-1β: n=8 (HFS diet); n=10 (HFS + Resv diet). TNF-α and adiponectin: n=7 (HFS diet); n=10 (HFS + Resv diet). (F) n=9 (HFS diet); n=10 (HFS + Resv diet). (A to F) The data were analyzed using Independent-Samples t test to analyze statistical significance between HFS vs. HFS + Resv diet at 24-mo of dietary intervention. IL-1β gene expression was log-transformed before statistical analysis. *, P < 0.05 (HFS vs. HFS + Resv diet). HFS: high-fat, high-sugar; Resv: resveratrol; VAT: visceral adipose tissue; SAT: subcutaneous adipose tissue; pNF-κB: phosphorylated NF-κB.