Figure 3.
The expression of HERC4 in adjacent normal breast tissue and breast cancer tissues by IHC. (A) Negative expression of HERC4 was detected in normal breast tissue (100x). (B) Negative expression of HERC4 was detected in an invasive ductal carcinoma (case 57), in which less than 30% of tumor cells showed positive staining (100x). (C) Positive expression of HERC4 was showed in an invasive ductal carcinoma (case 89) with 80% staining extensity and moderate intensity (100x). (D) Positive expression of HERC4 was showed in an invasive ductal carcinoma (case 105) with 95% staining extensity and strong intensity (100x). (E), (F), (G) and (H) demonstrate the higher magnification (400x) from the area of black box in (A), (B), (C) and (D), respectively.