Fig. 1.
CpG ODN-conjugated HMFG-2 mAb retains specificity to endogenous human MUC1 expressed on KCM cells. a Schematic representation of CpG ODN-conjugated HMFG-2 mAb. b Schematic representation of PDA × MUC1.Tg mice from which KCM cells were derived. c Staining of MUC1+ KCM tumor cells with HMFG-2 antibody before and after conjugation with CpG ODN. Antibody-binding capability was revealed using a PE-conjugated anti-IgG mouse antibody. Flow cytometry analysis of unconjugated mAb (top) and CpG ODN-conjugated mAb (bottom) is shown (15 µg/mL). Similar results were obtained with 1, 5, 7, and 11 µg/mL. Isotype Ctrl is shown as a closed histogram