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. 2013 Nov 19;7:182. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00182



Afferent and efferent vestibular pathways in adult goldfish. Schematic cross sections at the level of r3 (A) and r5 (B) showing first order canal and utricular afferent terminations. Efferent projections to ipsi- and contralateral extraocular, spinal, cerebellar, and vestibular targets are color-coded. Reconstruction based on own data (Straka and Baker, unpublished) and published material (McCormick and Braford, 1994). AI, abducens internuclear neurons; ABD, abducens motoneurons; AO, DO, anterior, descending octavolateral nucleus; CC, cerebellar crest; EG, eminentia granularis; LC, caudal lobe; MAN, medial auditory nucleus; MED, lateral line medial nucleus; MLF, medial longitudinal fasciclus; T, tangential nucleus; GTr, secondary gustatory tract; PllTr, posterior lateral line tract; VTr, descending tract of the Vth cranial nerve; VIITr, central tract of the seventh cranial nerve.