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. 2013 Nov 19;7:182. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00182



Horizontal canal termination, second order vestibular neuron location and morpho-physiological correlates of excitatory and inhibitory vestibular inputs to abducens motoneurons and AI neurons. Nissl-stained transverse section through a goldfish hindbrain illustrating biocytin-labeled horizontal canal afferent terminations (A) and vestibular neurons in the DO (B) that were retrogradely labeled from the contralateral ABD nucleus; a labeled neuron (red arrow) in (B) is shown at higher magnification in the inset. Crossed EPSP and uncrossed IPSP in an abducens internuclear neuron following electrical stimulation of the horizontal semicircular canal nerve on both sides, respectively (C); responses are mediated by electrical (el); and/or chemical synapses (ch) between inhibitory (pl) and excitatory vestibular (sh) axonal terminations on abducens neurons as illustrated in the electronmicroscopic image (D). CC, cerebellar crest; DO, descending octavolateral nucleus; MED, lateral line medial nucleus; pl, pleiotropic; PllTr, posterior lateral line tract; sh, spheroidal; VTr, descending tract of the Vth cranial nerve; VTr, descending tract of the Vth cranial nerve. Data in (C,D) adapted from Graf et al. (1997) and Green et al. (1997).