Table II.
Delivery Unit Costs of Antiretroviral Treatment, per patient-year, lower-middle-income countries
Country | Reference | City/Setting | Scope | Provider type | ART unit costs, in 2009 USD | Costs components, in 2009 USD (% of total cost) | ART Regimen | ||||
Facilities | Patients | ARV drugs | Personnel | Laboratory tests | Overheads | ||||||
India | Gupta I, et al. 2009f * β[29] | Chennai/U | 1 | 2,606 | Nat | 96.7 | 46.2 (47.8%) | 7.1 (7.3%) | 18.9 (19.5%) | Not included | d4T + 3TC +
NVP First-line treatment |
Imphal/U | 1 | 226 | 377.2 | 130.3 (34.5%) | 33.3 (8.8%) | 97.8 (25.9%) | |||||
Ahmedabad/U | 1 | 1,210 | 133.2 | 60.7 (45.5%) | 8.5 (6.4%) | 42.4 (31.8%) | |||||
New Delhi/U | 2 | 1,728 | 120 | 53.4 (44.5%) | 11.4 (9.5%) | 20.3 (16.9%) | |||||
Trivandrum/U | 1 | 498 | 217.9 | 118.3 (54.2%) | 12.8 (5.9%) | 60.3 (27.6%) | |||||
Thrissur/U | 1 | 308 | 155.5 | 101.4 (65.1%) | 8.7 (5.6%) | 0 (0%) | |||||
John K, et al. 2006g β[30] | Bangalore/U | 1 | 25 Inpatients-Outpatients |
NGO | 461.8 | 257.7 (55.8%) | Included but not
unbundled Project coordinator, medical officer, nurses, laboratory technician, counselors |
17.4 (3.8%) | Included but not unbundled | AZT/d4T + 3TC +
NVP First-line treatment |
Lesotho | Cleary S, et al. 2007h[18] | Maseru/U | 1 | 271 Inpatients |
Nat/NGO | 161.7 | 127.4 (78.8%) | Included but not unbundled | 15.3 (9.5%) | Included but not unbundled | 3TC + d4T +
NVP First-line treatment |
Morocco | Loubiere S, et al. 2008i[31] | Casa Blanca/U | 1 | 167 Inpatients-Outpatients |
Nat | 1,076.9 | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | NA |
Nigeria | Kombe G, et al. 2004 j [32] | Lagos/U; Abuja/U | 5 | NA | Nat | 841 | 420.5 (50%) | 185 (22%) | 193.4 (23%) | 33.6 (4%) | d4T + 3TC +
NVP First-line treatment |
PHR, 2004k * β[33] | Anambra/U; Bauchi/R; Edo/U; Federal Capital Territory/U; Kano/U; Lagos/U; Nassarawa/U; Rivers/U | 66 | NA Inpatients-Outpatients |
Nat/FBO/NGO | 1,023.3 | 362.1 (35.4%) | 391.2 (38.2%) | 237.5 (23.2%) | 18.6 (1.8%) | 3TC + d4T +
NVP First-line treatment |
Thailand | Kitajima T, et al. 2003l[34] | Khon Kaen/R | 2 | 106 Outpatients |
Nat | 3,903.8 | 3,415.1 (87.5%) | Included but not unbundled | 462 (11.8%) | 26.7 (0.7%) | NA |
General: The tables are ordered alphabetically by country name and then by author. Dollar amounts and proportions of overall costs may not add to 100% due to rounding and because some of costs do not fit into the classifications used. For example, transportation costs to visit patients’ homes, non-ARV medicines, OI medicines, and recurrent costs such as cotton, syringes, gloves, etc. are in the “Other” category, which has been excluded from the table (but could be estimated subtracting the current total from 100%). ARV medicine costs include only the costs of antiretrovirals, mostly first-line unless otherwise noted in Regimen type. Personnel costs include human resources expenses incurred in services delivery, including health workers doing patient care and in some studies also administrative personnel. Laboratory costs may include HIV testing, CD4 cell count and viral load measurement. Overheads may include capital costs (medical equipment, computers) and/or recurrent costs (utilities: electricity, water, phone, rent, maintenance costs, storage, cleaning, or security). If the study reviewed provided details about what was included in each category, those details have been incorporated in the tables. Costs were converted into 2009 USD using average exchange rates during the study period (see sources in the Methods section).
City/setting: Refers to the city or area name and the type of location where the study took place, including U= Urban and R= Rural
Facilities: Refers to the number of facilities in which the costs were collected
Patients: Refers to the number of patients for whom cost data were collected for ART delivery
Provider type: Refers to the type of provider delivering ART: Nat=National; D=Donor; NGO= Non-government organization ; FBO= Faith-based organization
Regimen: Refers to the ARV line costed by the study. The acronyms for ARV drugs were taken from the World Health Organization classification: Cotrimoxazole = CTX; Didanosine = ddl; Efavirenz = EFV; Indinavir = IDV; Lamivudine = 3TC; Lopinavir = LPV; Nevirapine = NVP; Ritonavir =RTV; Saquinavir = SQV; Stavudine= d4T; Zidovudine = AZT
NA=Not available in the study reviewed.
The study includes programmatic cost
The costs collected are financial costs.
International dollars convert into USD using the purchase power parity conversion factor provided by the U.N. Statistical Office.[61]
Outpatients only. It includes patients who are 15 years old and above.
The study reports the median costs.
Costs calculated using patients retained “at the end of the study” as denominator.
The study reports median costs.
Costs taken were for “first-line, annually thereafter” (i.e., first-line patients only, from their 6th month after ART initiation onwards).
Including patients who started visiting the hospital in 1997, as it was not possible to single-out those patients who initiated ART after 2001.
Public sector only, with patients paying a fixed portion of ART (included in the costs listed).
Annual patient cost derived by multiplying cost per visit with an average number of visits per year. Because the hospital charged an extra 15%, we multiplied reported results obtain the actual cost of ART delivery.
Study does not specify what “other” specialists or what “other” laboratory tests were costed out.
Patients who, every month throughout the study period, received ART. Costs presented cover patients through 2006, with only 41% having started after the year 2000.
Costs include patients who initiated ART in 2000, as it was not possible to single-out those patients who started after 2001.
Costs concern ART given for the treatment occurring between 6–12 months for first-line ART (patient specific) and separately for second-line treatment.
Average between first year and second year of follow-up.
Average between first year and second year of treatment.
Includes patients who are 15 years old or above.
Includes children: patients who are younger than 15 years of age.
For further details see the Supplementary Digital Content version of the tables.