Table V.
Delivery Unit Cost of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
Country | Reference | City/Setting Costing year | Scope | Provider type | PMTCT unit cost (2009USD) | Cost in 2009 USD (% of total cost) | Regimen | ||||
Facilities | Patients | ARV drugs | Personnel | Laboratory tests | Overheads | ||||||
India | Dandona L, et al. 2008 [46] | Andhra Pradesh/U2005–06 | 16 | 1,212ϒ | Nat | 2.4 Post test counseling |
Included but not unbundled | 1.1 (47.3%) | Included but not unbundled | 0.35 (14.7%) | NVP |
251.1# Mother neonate pair receiving nevirapine |
118.7 (47.3%) | 36.9 (14.7%) | |||||||||
South Africa | Desmond C, et al. 2004 [47] | Durban/U; Paarl/U; Siloam/R Frankfort/R; 2002 | 9 | 709 | Nat/D | 42.4 Pretest counseling |
Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Not included | NVP + CTX |
570 | 32.5 Testing |
532 | 23.8 Post test counseling |
117ϒ |
208.8¥ Mother neonate pair receiving nevirapine |
63 | 327.2‡ Mother neonate pair follow up |
Rwanda | McMennamin T, Fellow A. 2007 [48] | Gicumbi/R 2005 | 6 | NA | Nat/FBO | 6.42 Specific intervention |
Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Included but not unbundled | Not reported |
NA: not available in the study
Costs have been converted into USD$ of 2009 using average exchange rates during the study period
City/setting: Refers to the city and the type of location: U= Urban; R= Rural
Costing year: Refers to the year for which the study reported the costs
Facilities: Refers to the number of facilities in which the costs were collected
Patients: Refers to the number of patients studied to cost the ART delivery:
mother-neonate pairs
Provider type: Refers to the type of ART provider: Nat=National; D=Donor; NGO= Non-government organization ; FBO= Faith based organization
Regimen: ARV line costed by the study using acronyms for ARV drugs taken from the World Health Organization classification: Cotrimoxazole = CTX; Nevirapine = NVP
The mother was given one tablet of 200 mg at the onset of labor and the neonate was given 2 mg/kg body weight within 72 hours of birth.
This cost includes re-issue of nevirapine to mothers, and provision of nevirapine suspension to the child and any formula milk for the duration of the hospital stay.
PMTCT activities delivered after the mother and infant are discharged from hospital after delivery, including cotrimoxazole and the provision of formula feeding. It does not include infant HIV testing.