Table 1.
Study Measures.
1. Global negative interaction (Waves 1 and 3)a |
How often have you felt that others have made too many demands on you? |
How often have you felt that those around you tried to pry into your personal affairs? |
How often have you felt that others took advantage of you? |
2. Negative interaction with children (Wave 2)b |
Your children are critical and disapproving. |
Your children expect too much of you. |
3. Negative interaction with other relatives (Wave 2)b |
Your other relatives are critical and disapproving. |
How often do your other relatives expect too much from you. |
4. Negative interaction with friends (Wave 2)b |
Your friends are critical and disapproving. |
Your friends expect too much of you. |
5. Negative interaction with a spouse (Wave 2)c |
My (husband/wife) insists on having (his/her) own way. |
My marriage doesn't give me enough opportunity to become the sort of person I would like to be. |
My spouse doesn't treat me as well as I deserve to be treated. |
6. Depressed affect (Wave 1)d |
I felt depressed. |
I had crying spells. |
I felt sad. |
aThese items were coded in the following manner: very often (4), fairly often (3), once in a while (2), and never (1).
bThese items were coded in the following manner: always (4), often (3), sometimes (2), and never (1).
cThese items were coded in the following manner: agree strongly (4), agree somewhat (3), disagree somewhat (2), and disagree strongly (1).
dThese items were coded in the following manner: most or all of the time (4), occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3), some or a little of the time (2), and rarely or none of the time (1).