Basic diagram displaying main putative anorexigenic pathway originating in the tongue epithelia and/or taste cells innervated with afferent projections of neurons from trigeminal nerve V, cranial nerve VII (chorda tympani branch), glossopharyngeal nerve IX, or superior laryngeal branch of the cranial nerve X. For clarity, only ascending projection are shown, although the majority of these pathways include reciprocal descending fibers. The rostral (gustatory) and caudal (visceral) subdivisions of the NST are shown by white and shaded areas, respectively. The distinctive shading of the PBN is used to show the existence of functionally segregated subnuclei. Anatomically and functionally related nuclei of the forebrain areas are designated by similar shaped and shaded ovals, and their functional roles are displayed in italics. VPMpc, Parvicellular part of the posteromedial ventral thalamic nucleus; IC, insular cortex; PFC, prefrontal complex; VTA, ventral tegmental area; NAac, nucleus accumbens; VP, ventral pallidum.