Figure 6.
Early- and late-firing Py cells and relationship with phase locking. Throughout this figure, the color blue represents the early spindle period and black the late spindle period. A, Perispindle-firing rate histograms for three E Py cells (left) and three L Py cells (right). The two time periods during which the RE and RL were measured are marked in blue and black, respectively. B, Average mean-normalized firing rates of E and L cells. C, Overlaid histograms of preferred phases of E and L cells. The gray line indicates spindle phase and the mean preferred phases of E and L cells are marked with arrows. D, Bottom, Histograms of the peak lag times of cross-correlograms of spike times from TRN and E/L cells. Top, Cumulative distribution of peak lag times. E, Number of cells of each Py subtype in the E and L classes.