Figure 4.
von Mises fits to visual heading tuning curves. A, Heading tuning curves for an example VIP neuron (mean firing rate ± SEM) are shown for both conditions. In the Eye-vs-Head condition, the three tuning curves were fit simultaneously with eye (solid curves) and head/body (dashed curves) models. In the Head-vs-Body condition, the three tuning curves were fit simultaneously with eye/head (solid curves) and body (dashed curves) models. B, Distributions of R2 values, which measure goodness of fit with the von Mises functions. In the Eye-vs-Head condition, black bars represent fits with the eye model, whereas gray bars denote fits with the head/body model (n = 156). In the Head-vs-Body condition, black bars represent fits with the eye/head model, whereas gray bars denote fits with the body model (n = 126).