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. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79559. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079559

Table 4. Regression parameters for the log ratio of gaster volume: body weight (GV/BW) vs. body weight (BW) for all species.

GV/BW vs. BW HV/BW vs. BW
Species code slope s.e. of slope t-value p-value % change in relative GV for 10-x in BW slope s.e. of slope t-value p-value
S. xyloni AZ 115 0.008 0.030 0.26 0.797 n.s.
S. amblychila 101 −0.025 0.027 −0.932 0.353 n.s.
S. richteri 107 0.034 0.024 1.44 0.154 −0.059 0.023 −2.56 0.013
S. invicta 112 0.050 0.031 1.61 0.111 −0.049 0.024 −2.07 0.041
S. interrupta 102 0.101 0.034 2.98 0.004 +26 n.s.
S. quinquecuspis 106 0.129 0.034 3.75 0.001 +35 n.s.
S. xyloni OK 111 0.133 0.029 4.64 0.00001 +36 n.s.
S. megergates 104 0.145 0.048 3.01 0.005 +40 n.s.
S. macdonaghi 103 0.146 0.039 3.77 0.0003 +40 n.s.
S. aurea 110 0.184 0.031 5.95 0.000001 +53 0.138 0.023 6.09 0.000000
S. pythia 105 0.225 0.088 2.560 0.015 +68 n.s.
S. gayi 114 0.258 0.053 4.84 0.00002 +80 0.116 0.034 3.371 0.002
S. geminata GUA&CR 113 −0.070 0.010 −7.04 0.000000 −15 0.153 0.011 13.31 0.000000
S. saevissima 108 −0.211 0.054 −3.92 0.0004 −38 −0.295 0.049 −5.97 0.000001
S. geminata TX&FL 116 −0.175 0.0207 −8.45 0.000 −37 0.117 0.025 4.722 0.000004

Significantly positive slopes (red) indicate that the relative gaster size increases as body size increases, and negative slopes (blue) that it decreases. The species are arranged in order of increasing slope. The Factor Increase is the factor by which the ratio would change for a 10-fold increase in body weight (BW).