Figure 4.
SSU rDNA phylogeny of vampyrellids in a cercozoan context, showing the position of our new isolates with respect to previously published isolates and identified environmental clones from GenBank. Alveolates and stramenopiles were used to root the tree. The ML topology is shown; bootstrap support values after 200 replicates and Bayesian posterior probabilities (see Materials and methods section) are indicated at nodes when above 50% and/or 0.70, respectively. Black blobs represent support values at or above 95%/0.95. Vampyrellids cluster in three main clades A, B and C. New and previously published isolates are highlighted in bold. Black squares identify marine sequences and white squares identify terrestrial (soil or freshwater) sequences; isolate NVam1 was found in brackish sediment. More details about the ecological provenance of environmental sequences from GenBank are given in Supplementary Table S2.