Mean (+/− SE) Exploration ratios during the 3-min Testing Phase for Experiment 1B. OR (left panel) and OL tasks (right panel). From left to right, Epoch includes total testing time, 1st min, 2nd min and 3rd min. Both age groups show significant preference for the novel object, as well as novel location. Group n s for the total time, 1st min, 2nd min and 3rd min of testing for OR: PD21 n=14, 14, 14, 13; PD26 n=17, 17, 17, 17; OL: PD21 n=13, 13, 13, 11; PD26 n=17, 17, 16, 15. Dotted line indicated chance performance. Significant differences from chance performance are indicated for each group (*p < .01; #p < .05).