Figure 3. CD204 expression is up-regulated in IPF patients.
In Panel A, relative level (RL) of CD204 mRNA expression of AM from IPF patients (n=20, grey) and healthy donors (n=18, white) is given. Similar results were obtained for CD204 relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) by flow cytometry. In Panel B, mean level of CD204 fluorescence intensity is depicted for naïve AM from IPF patients (n=10, grey) and healthy donors (HD, n=10, white). In Panel C representative original measurements of CD204 and isotype control by flow cytometry are depicted for healthy donor (HD) and patient with IPF. Exposure to collagen type I significantly increased CD204 protein and CD204 mRNA expression in AM of 5 healthy donors (Panel D and F) and IPF patients (Panel E and G). Box plots: horizontal lines represent median, 25 and 75 percentiles, and small lines characterize 10 and 90 percentiles (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.001).