Age |
65 (21–90) |
Gender |
Female |
223 (45) |
Male |
278 (55) |
Indication for surgery |
Benign |
46 (9) |
Primary |
Hepatocellular carcinoma |
39 (8) |
Cholangiocarcinoma |
31 (6) |
Others |
28 (6) |
Secondary |
Colorectal metastases |
308 (61) |
Other metastases |
49 (10) |
Liver directed chemotherapy |
Yes |
176 (35) |
No |
325 (65) |
Diabetes |
Yes |
55 (11) |
No |
446 (89) |
26 (16–54) |
ASA Grade |
1 |
51 (10) |
2 |
323 (64) |
3 |
124 (25) |
4 |
2 (0.4) |
Not recorded |
1 (0.2) |
Physiologic risk score |
16 (12–32) |
Operative risk score |
24 (14–35) |
Estimated P-POSSUM mortality (%) |
7.7 (0.9–69.3) |
Confirmed fibrosis/cirrhosis |
Yes |
22 (4) |
No |
479 (96) |
Preoperative bilirubin (µmol/L) |
9 (2–162) |
Preoperative haemoglobin (g/dL) |
13.2 (8.6–17.0) |
Preoperative white cell count (/L) |
6.9 (2.7–25.0) |
Preoperative albumin (g/L) |
44 (24–53) |
Preoperative alkaline phosphatase (U/L) |
95 (34–1190) |
Preoperative creatinine (µmol/L) |
78 (40–430) |
Preoperative glomerular filtration rate (GFR) |
>90 mL/min |
163 (33) |
<90 mL/min |
326 (65) |
Not measured |
12 (2) |
Preoperative neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) |
2.5 (0.3–17.3) |
NLR > 5 |
Yes |
59 (12) |
No |
442 (88) |
Open or laparoscopic approach |
Open |
453 (90) |
Laparoscopic |
48 (10) |
Radio frequency ablation (RFA) included |
Yes |
23 (5) |
No |
478 (95) |
Wedge resection included |
Yes |
189 (38) |
No |
312 (62) |
Operation |
Right hemihepatectomy |
173 (35) |
Extended right hemihepatectomy |
34 (7) |
Left hemihepatectomy |
64 (13) |
Extended left hemihepatectomy |
17 (3) |
Left lateral sectorectomy |
48 (10) |
Wedge resection only |
133 (27) |
Other |
32 (6) |
Bile duct reconstruction included |
Yes |
46 (9) |
No |
455 (91) |
Synchronous bowel procedure |
Yes |
23 (5) |
No |
478 (95) |
Operation number |
1st resection |
465 (93) |
2nd resection |
31 (6) |
3rd resection |
5 (1) |
Number of segments resected |
4 (1–6) |
Number of procedures |
1 (1–10) |
Surgeon's assessment of liver parenchyma |
Normal |
323 (64) |
Abnormal |
171 (34) |
Not recorded |
7 (1) |
Blood loss |
<500 mL |
246 (49) |
500–999 mL |
175 (35) |
≥1000 mL |
76 (15) |
Not recorded |
4 (0.8) |
Units transfused |
0 (0–26) |