Table 1. Imbalances, networks, and regions possibly involved in the pathophysiology of BDD.
Imbalance, network, or region implicated | Evidence |
Hemispheric imbalances | |
•Anterior temporal lobe | Lesion studies |
•Parahippocampal gyrus | Body image and eating disorder studies |
•Dorsal occipital cortex | Studies of self perception in healthy controls |
•IFG and lateral temporal lobe | Face processing fMRI study of BDD |
•IPL | Eating disorder studies |
•Fusiform gyrus |
Frontal-striatal circuits |
Amygdala hyper-reactivity | Face processing fMRI study of BDD |
Insula hyper-reactivity | Studies of disgust and aversion in healthy controls and OCD |
5-HT system |
BDD=body dysmorphic disorder; IFG=inferior frontal gyrus; IPL=inferior parietal lobule; fMRI=functional magnetic resonance imaging; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; PANDAS=pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection; OCD=obsessive-compulsive disorder; 5-HT=5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin); SRI=serotonin reuptake inhibitor