Fig. 4.
Effects of AmILP1 and AmILP2 dsRNA treatment on body mass of fifth instar larvae. (A,B,D,E) The main effects of AmILP1 dsRNA and AmILP2 dsRNA on body mass in a factorial ANOVA. (C,F) The relationships between four treatment groups as revealed by a LSD post hoc test: the bars from left to right represent gfp, AmILP1 dsRNA, AmILP2 dsRNA, and AmILP1 dsRNA plus AmILP2 dsRNA. There was no main effect of either AmILP1 dsRNA or AmILP2 dsRNA on body mass (A,B). Panel C shows that AmILP1 dsRNA treatment increased body mass in the absence of AmILP2 dsRNA, but the combination of AmILP1 dsRNA and AmILP2 dsRNA tended to reduce body mass. Together with the result of a significant interaction between AmILP1 dsRNA and AmILP2 dsRNA treatments on body mass, these results suggest that the effect of AmILP1 dsRNA on body mass of the fifth instar larvae depends on the level of AmILP2 dsRNA. Data are represented as means ± s.e.m. (N=20). Different letters indicate significant differences among treatments. ‘0’ represents no dsRNA treatment and ‘1’ represents dsRNA treatment.