Fig. 6.
Intracellular localization of WT and mutant P6 tagged with GFP. Confocal microscope images of tissue from N. benthamiana leaves 3 days after agroinfiltration with WT and mutant variants of P6 fused at the C terminus to GFP. GFP fluorescence is green and DAPI fluorescence (nuclear staining) is blue. (a) Intracellular distribution of WT and TAVD mutant P6: (i) P6BJIW in a single epidermal cell. Representative large inclusion bodies are indicated by yellow arrows and small inclusion bodies by pink arrows. (ii) P6CW. Yellow and pink arrows are as in (i), whilst blue arrows indicate nuclei (DAPI staining). (iii–v) P6:D2, P6:D3 and P6:D6. Bars, 100 µm. (b) High-magnification images showing nuclear localization of WT and truncated forms of P6: (i) P6BJIW, (ii) P6:Δ3–20, (iii) P6:T1–112, (iv) P6:T1–112:Δ3–20 and (v) P6:T111–520. Panels from left to right: DAPI, GFP, merge. Nuclear fluorescence is indicated by arrows. Bars, 20 µm.