Figure 4. Fatality Rate by ISS/Age.
Relationship between age and case fatality rate, stratified by ISS groups: 0–15, 16–24 and ≥ 25. Age groups were combined from 15–44 years due to lack of variation: ISS 0–15 (0.2, 0.2 and 0.4), ISS 16–24 (2, 2 and 1) and ISS ≥25 (23, 25 and 26). Significant increase in fatality from age 15–44 to 45–54, and 65–74 to 75–84, within ISS 16–24. Significant increased in mortality from 45–54 to 55–64, and 65–74 to 75–84 within ISS 0–15. No significant differences between individual age groups for ISS ≥ 25. All * p < 0.05.