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. 2013 Nov 21;8(11):e81105. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081105

Figure 2. Piglet brain olfactory bulb (OB) gross anatomy, histology, and expression of neural stem cell and neuroprogenitor cell proteins.

Figure 2

A. Gross neuroanatomy of the 5-day-old piglet brain showing the gyrencephalic cortex, primary olfactory cortex (PC, also known as piriform cortex) and OB. Inset shows a Nissl-stained transverse section through the OB revealing the patent cerebroventricular cavity (V) and prominent subventricular zone (dark blue lining of the ventricle) containing the ependymal and subependymal layers. Scale bar = 1.1 mm. B. Nissl-stained transverse section revealing the architectural lamination of the OB. From the ventricle (V) outward the layers are: the SVZ, the granule cell layer (GCL), the mitral cell layer (MCL, the mitral cells project to the primary olfactory cortex), the external plexiform layer (EPL), the glomerular layer (GL), and the nerve fiber layer (NFL) that originates from the neuroepithelium of the olfactory mucosa. Scale bar = 100 µm. C. Higher magnification image showing the cellular detail of the wall of the OB. Scale bar = 33 µm. D. Nissl staining reveals the presence of mitotic figures (arrow) in the SVZ. Scale bar = 8.3 µm. E-G. Immunohistochemical localization of nestin (E), musashi (F), and doublecortin (G) in the OB. Immunoreactivity is seen as orange-brown staining. Arrows identify the subependymal layer. Open arrows (in E) identify nestin+ cells. Inset in E shows nestin+ cells (open arrows) at higher magnification. The large nucleus (pale oval) and sparse cytoplasm with prominent neurites is typical of a NSC. Insets in G show doublecortin immunoreactivity at the ependymal/subependymal layers (see box in G) at higher magnification in piglet OB at postnatal day (PND) 5 and 30. In PND5 inset the open arrow identifies doublecortin+ processes extending into the ependymal layer and hatched arrows identify doublecortin+ cell bodies in the subependymal layer. Scale bar in E (same for F-H) = 33 µm. Scale bars for insets = 12 µm (E) and 20 µm (G) H. Nestin primary antibody was preadsorbed against nestin synthetic peptide for a negative control. No staining is seen.