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. 2013 Nov 21;8(11):e81105. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081105

Figure 7. Characterization of the lateral migratory stream (LMS) of newly born neurons and identification of immature neurons in piglet forebrain.

Figure 7

A. Confocal image showing the colocalization of BrdU (red) and NeuN (green) in subsets of neurons in the piriform cortex. Single-labeled neurons are green, single-labeled BrdU+ nuclei are red, and double-labeled neurons are yellow. B. Immunofluorescence showing the colocalization of BrdU (red) and doublecortin (Dcx, green) in the LMS. One Brdu+ cell (top cell) does not express Dcx, but another Brdu+ cell (bottom cell) is Dcx+ as seen by the yellow around the nucleus and the trailing Dcx-labeled process (arrow). C. Immunofluorescence showing the colocalization of BrdU (red) and β-tubulin III (βTubIII, green) in the LMS. D. Immmunoperoxidase staining for β-tubulin III (βTubIII) revealed a column of βTubIII+ immature neurons (brown cells) below the anterior striatum within the LMS. Inset shows a βTubIII+ LMS neuron with a fusiform morphology and leading and trailing processes. E. In piriform cortex, βTubIII+ immature neurons were found in cellular islands in layer II (arrow). Boxed area is shown at right at higher magnification and rotated 90°. F. In OB, βTubIII+ immature neurons (arrows) were found in the granule cell layer (GCL). These cells possessed extensive local vertical-oriented arborizations (inset) consistent with an interneuron morphology [46]. EPL, external plexiform layer; MCL, mitral cell layer. Scale bars = 25 µm (A), 5 µm (B), 4 µm (C), 25 µm (D), 8 µm (D inset), 32 µm (E), 12.5 µm (E right), 100 µm (F), 25 µm (F inset).