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. 2013 Nov 21;7(11):e2447. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002447

Table 3. Research needs and gaps in understanding.

Key area and topic Associated questions Suggested methods
A. Service delivery
1. Relationship between the delivery system and the recipient and how that affects compliance What is the role of the delivery mechanism in achieving compliance? How to train, supervise, motivate, and empower drug distributors? Participant observation of MDA, semi-structured interviews, coverage surveys, pilot study
2. Interactions at the point of delivery/distribution What conditions are necessary to enhance compliance? What happens at the point of distribution? Participant observation, semi-structured interviews
3. Operational considerations to ensure the use of DO-MDA What factors must be considered to achieve DO-MDA? Are there best practices to promote? Literature review, surveys with health staff and community members, pilot study
4. Best practices for MDA What is working in different contexts? How can this information be collated and shared with program managers to enhance their control efforts? Identify best practices globally through literature review, discussions with key informants, prepare case studies, disseminate results at scientific meetings
5. Innovative approaches to enhance social mobilization and drug delivery Explore use of social media, mobile phone technology, NGO networking, outsourcing, use existing networks (e.g., HIV/AIDS infrastructure, community health workers) Case studies to test new methodologies in a way that can be evaluated and replicated
B. Strategic issues for LF and other NTD programs
1. Integration of the lessons learned from GPELF into NTD programs What are the key lessons from 12 years of GPELF? How might they be applied to NTD programs? Literature review, interviews with key informants
2. Sharing of research results and operational knowledge to and in between members of the GPELF community How is knowledge shared between programs? How can sharing be enhanced? Key informant interviews, exploration of new formats to share information
3. Understanding the changing dynamics of six or more years of MDA in a community/district/country What changes might programs expect over time (fatigue, misperceptions, funding, societal changes) and how to address those? Document experiences from MDA programs after six or more years and how they adapted to changing conditions
4. Focus on difficult and challenging environments for MDA and identify solutions for improved coverage and compliance What are the current difficult environments? What tools can be used to reach these people? How can populations be segmented for mobilization? Pilot studies
5. Integration of LF elimination and NTD programs How should social mobilization reflect NTD integration? M&E? How does introduction of other NTD programs affect ongoing MDA for LF? Literature review, key informant interviews
C. Compliance and the individual
1. The impact of systematic non-compliers (SNC) and how to reach them Who are SNC? What are their characteristics? What can be done to convince them to comply with MDA? Literature review, key informant interviews, pilot studies to test specific interventions
D. Compliance and the community
1. Understanding the impact of morbidity management on compliance Why does morbidity management influence compliance? How can it be promoted and sustained? Does it have the same effect across contexts? Literature review, key informant interviews
2. Engaging the community in an urban environment What social groups can be activated for MDA in urban areas? What is the best way to conduct DO-MDA in these environments? Pilot studies, literature review