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. 2013 Nov 21;8(11):e79348. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079348

Table 3. Chi-square tests of the relationship between genes functions and phylogenetic hypotheses.

GO/KEGG category A+ A− O+ O− X2 P
A. Test of the Archosaur Hypothesis [((Zebra Finch, Chicken), Chinese Pond Turtle)]
Biological Process
organophosphate metabolic process (GO:0019637) 61 (49) 1975 (1987) 46 (58) 2342 (2030) 5.3 0.0210
hormone metabolic process (GO:0042445) 49 (39) 1987 (1997) 35 (45) 2353 (2343) 5.2 0.0223
macromolecule metabolic process (GO:0043170) 1180 (1148) 856 (888) 1314 (1346) 1074 (1042) 3.8 0.0500
primary metabolic process (GO:0044238) 1419 (1385) 617 (651) 1590 (1624) 798 (764) 4.9 0.0269
Cellular Component
organelle lumen (GO:0043233) 682 (648) 1354 (1388) 726 (760) 1662 (1628) 4.8 0.0276
extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 77 (65) 1959 (1971) 64 (76) 2324 (2312) 4.3 0.0376
extracellular matrix part (GO:0044420) 37 (25) 1999 (2011) 18 (30) 2370 (2358) 10.1 0.0015
Molecular Function
nucleotide binding (GO:0000166) 409 (381) 1627 (1655) 419 (447) 1969 (1941) 4.7 0.0307
hormone binding (GO:0042562) 25 (18) 2011 (2018) 15 (22) 2373 (2366) 4.4 0.0357
cofactor binding (GO:0048037) 72 (60) 1964 (1976) 59 (71) 2329 (2317) 4.3 0.0372
KEGG pathway
inositol phosphate metabolism (map00562) 28 (18) 318 (328) 10 (20) 375 (365) 11.2 0.0008
phosphatidylinositol signaling system (map04070) 31 (22) 315 (324) 15 (24) 370 (361) 7.9 0.0049
arginine and proline metabolism (map00330) 24 (18) 322 (328) 14 (20) 371 (365) 4.0 0.0448
B. Test of the Lepidosaur Hypothesis [(Pond Turtle, Green Anole)]
Biological Process
cell activation (GO:0001775) 76 (61) 701 (716) 274 (289) 3373 (3358) 4.5 0.0334
translational initiation (GO:0006413) 17 (10) 760 (767) 40 (47) 3607 (3600) 6.0 0.0143
cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411) 45 (34) 732 (743) 149 (160) 3498 (3487) 4.4 0.0350
fertilization (GO:0009566) 14 (8) 763 (769) 33 (39) 3614 (3608) 4.9 0.0268
pollination (GO:0009856) 16 (10) 761 (767) 40 (46) 3607 (3601) 4.7 0.0293
system process (GO:0003008) 156 (135) 621 (642) 610 (631) 3037 (3016) 5.0 0.0250
digestion (GO:0007586) 13 (6) 764 (771) 23 (30) 3624 (3617) 8.6 0.0033
stem cell maintenance (GO:0019827) 14 (8) 763 (769) 34 (40) 3613 (3607) 4.5 0.0336
regulation of multi-organism process (GO:0043900) 15 (9) 762 (768) 34 (40) 3613 (3607) 5.8 0.0158
Cellular Component
cell projection (GO:0042995) 130 (110) 647 (667) 499 (519) 3148 (3128) 4.9 0.0271
membrane part (GO:0044425) 329 (296) 448 (481) 1355 (1388) 2292 (2259) 7.3 0.0068
Molecular Function
protein complex scaffold (GO:0032947) 12 (5.6) 765 (771) 20 (26) 3627 (3621) 8.8 0.0029
KEGG pathway
glycerolipid metabolism (map00561) 14 (7) 119 (126) 25 (32) 573 (566) 8.7 0.0032
glycerophospholipid metabolism (map00564) 13 (7) 120 (126) 28 (34) 570 (564) 5.3 0.0210

Only significant results are presented. A: the archosaur hypothesis; L: the lepidosaur hypothesis; O: other hypotheses. +: number of genes which have a particular GO category or KEGG pathway; −: number of genes which do not have the GO category or KEGG pathway. Numbers in parentheses are expected numbers of genes under random distribution. For example, of the 2117 genes that support the Archosaur hypothesis, 2036 genes have the GO category of “biological process”; among them, 61 have the GO category of “organophosphate metabolic process” and 1975 genes do not have the term.