Table 1. Different classification schemes of the genus Fraxinus, including the revisions proposed in this study, and geographic distributions of species.
Sections based on [8] | Sections based on [4] | Sections based on this study | Species | Synonyms used in this study | Distribution |
Ornus | Ornus | Ornus | ornus L. | Mediterranean area, N Africa and SW Asia | |
Ornaster | apertisquamifera Hara | Japan | |||
bungeana DC | China | ||||
floribunda Wall. | retusa Champ. ex Benth.var. henryana | C & E Asia (from Afghanistan to Japan) | |||
griffithii G. B. Clarke | E Asia (from NE India to Japan and Indonesia) | ||||
lanuginosa Koidz. var. lanuginosa and var. serrata (Nakai) Hara | Japan | ||||
malacophylla Hemsl. | China, Thailand | ||||
paxiana Lingelsh. | sikkimensis (Lingelsh.) Handel-Mazzetti | Himalayas, China | |||
raibocarpa Regel | C Asia (Turkestan mountains, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan) | ||||
sieboldiana Blume | mariesii Hook. f. | China, Japan, Korea | |||
trifoliolata W. W. Smith | China | ||||
baroniana Diels | China | ||||
chinensis Roxb. | China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam | ||||
longicuspis Sieb. & Zucc. | Japan | ||||
micrantha Lingelsh. | C Asia (Punjab to Nepal, Himalayas) | ||||
Bumelioides | Dipetalae | Dipetalae | anomala Torr. ex S. Wats. | SW USA, N Mexico | |
dipetala Hook. et Arn. | trifoliata (Torr.) Lewis & Epling | SW USA, N Mexico (Baja California) | |||
quadrangulata Michx. | E & C USA, C Canada | ||||
Fraxinus | Fraxinus | angustifolia Vahl. ssp. angustifolia | monophylla Desf. | SW Europe | |
angustifolia Vahl. ssp. oxycarpa (M.Bieb. ex Willd.) Franco & Rocha Afonso | oxycarpa Willd., pallisiae A. J. Willmott, obliqua Tausch | SE Europe | |||
angustifolia Vahl. ssp. syriaca (Boiss.) Yalt. | potamophila Herder, holotricha Koehne, sogdiana Bunge, syriaca Boiss. | W & E Asia (Turkey to Pakistan and Russia) and Algeria | |||
excelsior L. | turkestanica Carrière | C & N Europe | |||
mandshurica Rupr. | E Asia (China, Japan, Korea, E Russia) | ||||
nigra Marsh. | E USA, E Canada | ||||
Melioides | platypoda Oliv. | E Asia | |||
Melioides | Melioides | americana L. | biltmoreana Beadle | E USA, E Canada | |
berlandieriana A. DC. | SW USA, NE Mexico | ||||
caroliniana Mill. | SE USA | ||||
latifolia Benth. | W USA | ||||
papillosa Lingelsh. | SW USA (SE Arizona, SW New Mexico, Texas), Mexico (W Chihuahua, NE Sonora) | ||||
pennsylvanica Marsh. | richardii Bosc | C & E USA, Canada | |||
profunda (Bush) Bush | tomentosa Michx. f. | E USA | |||
texensis A. Gray | S USA (Texas) | ||||
uhdei (Wenzig) Lingelsh. | Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, USA (Hawaii, Puerto Rico) | ||||
velutina Torr | SW USA, N Mexico | ||||
Dipetalae | incertae sedis | cuspidata Torr. | SW USA, Mexico | ||
N.A. | chiisanensis Nakai | Korea | |||
spaethiana Lingelsh. | Japan | ||||
Pauciflorae | Pauciflorae | dubia (Willd. ex Schult & Schult f.) P. S. Green & M. Nee | Mexico, Guatemala | ||
gooddingii Little | SW USA (Arizona), N Mexico | ||||
greggii A. Gray | SW USA, Mexico | ||||
purpusii Brandegee | Mexico, Guatemala | ||||
rufescens Lingelsh. | Mexico | ||||
Sciadanthus | Sciadanthus | xanthoxyloides (G. Don) DC. | N Africa (Algeria, Morocco) to Asia (Afghanistan to China) | ||
hubeiensis S. Z. Qu, C. B. Shang & P. L. Su | hoopiensis | China |
N.A.: not available, taxa that were not included in the considered study.