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. 2013 Nov 16;62(12):4208–4219. doi: 10.2337/db13-0614

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Immunohistochemical analysis of Adora1 expression in the islets of NOD and NOD.B10 mice. A: Confocal microscopy images show the colocalization of Adora1 (red) with glucagon (green) in all α-cells (top row) and colocalization with insulin (arrow) in a few β-cells (middle and bottom row). B: Reduced Adora1 expression (red) is observed on α-cells during the progression of NOD disease. At 8 weeks of age, before the onset of disease, Adora1 is observed on all glucagon-positive α-cells (green). At 12 weeks of age, Adora1 and glucagon expression are gradually lost around the periphery of the islets. By 20 weeks of age, the residual islets were found to express glucagon but little or no Adora1. C: Confocal microscopy data show loss of Adora1 expression (red) as islets become more infiltrated. Infiltration was assessed by CD3 staining (green). To control for variations in staining intensity between experiments, all images were taken from a single pancreas section from a 12-week-old NOD mouse. Data are representative of ≥10 similarly stained islets from at least three individual NOD and NOD.B10 mice at each age group. Scale bars represent 25 μm. Gluc, glucagon; Ins, insulin.