Hyper-recombination in Fbh1helΔ/helΔ cells. A, representative image of metaphase chromosomes from Fbh1helΔ/helΔ cells stained for SCEs. The enlargement on the right shows an SCE. B, quantification of SCE data for WT (yellow bars) and Fbh1helΔ/helΔ (blue bars) cells. The number of SCEs per chromosome is shown. The key indicates the mean and S.D. from over 700 chromosomes in each case (p > 0.05). C, hyper-recombination in Fbh1helΔ/helΔ cells as determined using the DR-GFP assay. The percentage of cells expressing GFP was normalized to a transfection control (a plasmid expressing RFP). The values above the bars indicate the average percentages. The means and S.E. (error bars) for three independent experiments are shown. D, clonogenic survival of WT and Fbh1helΔ/helΔ cells following exposure to olaparib. The means and the S.E. are shown for three independent experiments.