Figure 3.
Avoidance acquisition in the IntelliCage in young and aged C57BL6/J and progranulin deficient (Grn−/−) mice. (A,B) Mean ± s.e.m cumulative place errors per visit number in sham and SNI-treated (Spared Nerve Injury of the sciatic nerve) in young and aged C57BL6/J and progranulin deficient mice (n = 8 per group). (C) Group means of error percentages during the 24 h-avoidance acquisition period for place errors and nosepoke (NP) errors. The asterisks denote significant differences vs. the reference group (sham-treated young) with P < 0.05, n = 8. (D,E) Cumulative percentages of place errors over time in young and aged mice of both genotypes during avoidance acquisition. All events of the group were combined and plotted according to Kaplan Meier curves. Each vertical line is an error and the horizontal lines indicate the percent error estimates of the respective groups, where 25% (one wrong corner out of four) would be the random level.