Ventilatory parameters/arterial blood gas values at time of extubation for patients who failed extubation vs. tolerated extubation
Failed Extubation (N=38) | Successful Extubation (N=142) | p | |
PH at extubation | 7.41 +/− 0.05 | 7.42 +/− 0.04 | 0.0921 |
Paco2 at extubation (mmHg) | 41 +/− 6 | 39 +/− 6 | 0.1485 |
Pao2 at extubation (mmHg) | 114 +/− 53 | 130 +/− 65 | 0.1786 |
Hco3 at extubation (mmol/L) | 25 +/− 4 | 25 +/− 4 | 0.9744 |
Base deficit at extubation | 0.4 +/− 3.4 | 1.1 +/− 3.8 | 0.4557 |
Glasgow coma scale at extubation | 10 (9–12) | 10 (10–11) | 0.4830 |
Fio2 at extubation | 0.39 +/− 0.08 | 0.41 +/− 0.13 | 0.2984 |
Respiratory rate at extubation (bpm) | 19 +/− 7 | 18 +/− 6 | 0.3547 |
Ventilator rate at extubation (bpm) | 12 +/− 7 | 10 +/− 5 | 0.2734 |
Tidal volume at extubation (mL) | 570 +/− 185 | 568 +/− 177 | 0.9580 |
Minute volume at extubation (L/min) | 8.6 +/− 1.6 | 8.0 +/− 2.8 | 0.2306 |
Peak pressure at extubation (cmH2O) | 22 +/− 16 | 19 +/− 8 | 0.4095 |
Plateau pressure at extubation (cmH2O) | 16 +/− 7 | 17 +/−7 | 0.7241 |
PEEP at extubation (cmH2O) | 5 +/− 1 | 5 +/− 1 | 0.2872 |
Spo2 at extubation (%) | 99 (97–100) | 99 (98–100) | 0.0565 |
Mean airway pressure at extubation (L/cmH2O) | 9 +/− 3 | 9 +/− 3 | 0.8398 |
Compliance at extubation (L/cmH2O) | 0.055 +/− 0.012 | 0.049 +/− 0.018 | 0.2927 |
P/F ratio at extubation | 338 +/− 224 | 314 +/− 116 | 0.6045 |
Ventilator parameters and arterial blood gas values at time of extubation for patients who tolerated vs. failed extubation. Significance assessed by Kruskal-Wallis for continuous outcomes among groups. Data are mean +/− SD for normally distributed data or median (inter-quartile range) for not-normally distributed data. Parameters at time of initial extubation attempt. 19 patients additionally had a 2nd extubation attempt (of which 4 failed and 15 were successfuly extubated)