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. 2013 Oct;27(10):573–584. doi: 10.1089/apc.2013.0013

Table 1.

Summary of Articles About Congruency Between Self-Perceived and Reported HIV/AIDS Risk

Self-perceived assessment
Author Year Population Question and responses Administration Reported sexual behaviors Reported drug behaviors Congruence conclusions
Weisman 1989 430 adolescent women from Planned Parenthood Clinic in Baltimore How much chance do you think there is that you will get AIDS in the next 5 years? Face-to-face interview Yesa Yes (1 year) Risk taking behavior not strongly associated with perceived personal risk of AIDS
      Very sure it will not happen; somewhat sure it will not happen; there is an even chance (50–50); somewhat sure it will happen; very sure it will happen        
Prohaska 1990 1540 urban and suburban adults in Chicago In terms of your own risk of getting AIDS do you think you are at … for getting AIDS? Telephone interview Yes (5 years) None Two sexual risk practices were congruent with perceived risk of AIDS
      Great; some; or no risk        
Kalichman 1992 384 mass transit waiting areas in Chicago What do you think your chances are of getting AIDS? Anonymous paper survey Yes IDU (1 year) Women at higher risk estimated that they were at greater risk for AIDS
      4 point scale ranging from: I will never get AIDS to I know I will get AIDS        
Goldman 1993 602 men and women from University of Rhode Island 4 question composite score: I am currently at risk for AIDS; thought of getting AIDS does not worry me; I sometime suspect that I am exposed to AIDS; I have had intercourse with someone in the last 10 years who could have exposed me to AIDS Written questionnaire Yes None Perceived risk negatively related to AIDS preventive behavior
      Definitely false; probably false; probably true; definitely true        
Klepinger 1993 3321 men 20–39 years old; national sample Perceived personal HIV-infection risk: Face-to-face interview Yes (4 weeks) Yes (4 weeks) Weak association between perceptions of risk and HIV-related risk-behavior
      None; some; ≥50%        
Kline 1993 242 women from drug treatment centers in 3 high HIV prevalence cities in northern New Jersey How likely is it that you will become infected with AIDS in the next 12 months? Face-to-face interview Yes (4 weeks) Yes Congruence with drug use, but incongruence with sexual behavior
      4 point scale: Very unlikely; somewhat unlikely; somewhat likely; very likely        
van der Velde 1994 1318 participants from 4 HIV risk stratified samples from Amsterdam How do you estimate the chance that you will become infected with AIDS virus in the next 2 years? Written questionnaire Yes (4 months) No Modest correlation of perception of risk and previous sexual experiences in a high risk population
      Scale from 0–100% chance        
Bosga 1995 165 homosexual men who practice unprotected anogenital intercourse with steady and non-steady partners Not available Not available Not available Not available Majority of men who engage in risky behaviors within their primary relationship do not appraise their behaviors as risky
      Not available        
Dolcini 1996 1770 men and women 18–44 years old living in San Francisco with high rates of STDs and drug use How likely do you think it is that you will eventually get AIDS? Face-to-face interview Yes No Only having a sexual partner who was an IDU was associated with self-perceived risk
      1 = definitely not possible; 2 = very unlikely;
3 = somewhat unlikely;
4 = very worried or concerned
Fitchtner 1996 51,359 patients from 25 STD clinics in Illinois Do you have any reason to be concerned that you may have been exposed to HIV from a sex or needle-sharing partner? Face-to-face interview Yes Yes (lifetime) 65% with assessed risk did not perceive risk
      Yes or no        
Steers 1996 424 undergraduates from 6 California schools My chances of contracting HIV are low Anonymous written questionnaire Yesa No Perceived susceptibility predicted many safer-sex behaviors
      1 = strongly agree to 5 = strongly disagree        
Brown 1998 140 random sample of IDUs attending methadone clinics and needle exchanges in New York City If you do not know your HIV status or if you have tested negative, how would you rate your risk of acquiring HIV? Face-to-face structured interview Yesa No AIDS risk perception was not a significant predictor of condom use
      0 = none; 1 = small; 2 = moderate; 3 = large; 4 = great        
Cummings 1999 142 African American low-income women; not considered high-risk Are you worried about getting AIDS? Semi-structured 1-on-1 interviews Yes No Worried and non-worried women were equally likely to report risk behaviors
      Yes or no        
Weinreb 1999 220 homeless and 216 low-income mothers living in Massachusetts Do you perceive your HIV risk to be: Multi-session interview format Yes Yes (2 years) Among high-risk women 75% believed themselves to be a low- or no-risk for HIV
      Non-existent; low; medium; high        
Stein 2000 1049 homeless, impoverished, minority, and/or IDU men and women in Los Angeles 1. I've already done plenty that could have exposed me to AIDS; 2. I've never done anything that could give me AIDS; 3. My chances of getting AIDS are great; 4. I don't think I'm at risk for AIDS; 5. Rating of chances of getting AIDS Face-to-face interview Yes Yes Composite score of perceived risk and IDU has congruency, but sexual risk does not
      Statements 1–4 scored 1–5:
1 = disagree strongly to 5 = agree strongly;
5th question scored 1 = no chance 4 = high chance
Maurier 2000 A range of 1204–1277 participants over five periods representative of Alberta What do you think your choices are of getting HIV or AIDS? Telephone interview Yes (2 years) Yes Congruency between self-perceived risk and number or partners varied by survey and year
      1 = none; 2 = low; 3 = medium; 4 = high        
Amadora-Nolasco 2001 360 registered and 360 freelance sex workers Do you think you have a chance of getting HIV/AIDS or do you think there is a possibility for you to be infected? Face-to-face interview Yes (6 months) No For freelance sex workers associated perceived risk and number of sex partners and condom usage in selected populations
      Yes; no; don't know        
Holtzman 2001 Random sample of 18- to 49-year-olds in the United States Perceived risk of HIV infection: Telephone interview Yes Yes (1 year) Good agreement between measure of actual HIV risk and perceptions of risk
      High; medium; low; none        
Schröder 2001 666 Black and 626 white single low-income women from OB/GYN clinic in the midwest Own perceived risk of getting AIDS Face-to-face interview Yes (6 months) No Lack of risk perception correlated with lack of sexual protective behaviors
      1 = no risk; 2 = low risk;
3 = moderate risk; 4 = high risk
Klein 2003 250 urban economically disadvantaged women in Atlanta What do you think your chances are of getting the AIDS virus? Female interviewer; Face-to-face Yes (90 days) Yes (30 days) Incongruency among lower-risk perception group
      No chance or at least some chance        
Theall 2003 183 mostly African American women in Atlanta What do you think are the chances of your getting the AIDS virus? Female interviewer; Face-to-face Yesa Yes Relationship between report and perceived risk with some incongruence
      0 = none; 1 = low; 2 = medium; 3 = high        
Wood 2004 994 IDUs in Vancouver Compared to other drug users in Vancouver, how likely do you think you are to get infected with HIV/AIDS? Face-to-face interview Yes (6 months) Yes (6 months) Inconsistent relationship between IDU behavior and risk-perception
      Much more likely; a bit more likely; about the same; less likely        
Takahashi 2005 2911 sexually active adults 18–50 years old in Florida, Montana, Ohio, and South Dakota What are your chances of getting infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS? Telephone interview Yes (1 year) Yes (1 year) Most individuals who report behaviors that increase their risk for HIV do not consider themselves to be at risk and have not been recently tested
      High; medium; low; none        
Prata 2006 7817 sexually experienced 15- to 24-year-olds in Mozambique Risk of HIV: Household survey Yes No 27% of women and 80% of men with self-perceived no or small risk were actually at moderate or high risk
      None; small; moderate; high; or not known        
Lapidus 2006 222 American Indians and Alaska Natives in 4 counties; Oregon or Washington State Perceived risk of HIV infection: Interview Yes Yes 44% reporting high-risk behaviors reported themselves at low or no risk of HIV
      High; medium; low; none; don't know        
MacKellar 2007 2788 MSM in 6 US cities Which number best describes how likely it is that you will become HIV+ today? Your lifetime? Interviewed with a questionnaire Yes Yes Although some congruency, a substantial proportion of those with risk behaviors perceived a low-risk for infection
      1 = very unlikely; 2 = unlikely;
3 = somewhat likely; 4 = likely; 5 = very likely
Cole 2008 529 women recruited from a domestic violence court Which statement best describes your chance of getting HIV? Interview; event calendar Yes (1 year) Yes Congruence in some but not all risk behaviors
      0 = no chance; 1 = 50% chance; 2 = 75% chance        

Indicates multiple time frames provided in the study for participants to report their behaviors.