Bisulfite DNA sequencing results for SEPT9 amplicons. Each column displays results from one amplicon and each row displays results for one cell type. Within each of the rectangular boxes, the columns correspond to single CpGs and the three rows correspond to three patients. As all amplicons are drawn to the same scale the location of the amplicons is illustrated at the bottom with arrows pointing to the genomic map (compare to Figure 1). Color coding: yellow = unmethylated (0%), green = partially methylated (50%), blue = fully methylated (100%), and lighter or darker green/blue colors provide methylation levels below or above 50%. White areas = no sequencing data available. Abbreviations: str = stromal cells, epi = epithelial cells, Norm = normal colon tissue, NAT1 = normal adjacent tissue (1 cm away from tumor), NAT2 = normal adjacent tissue (> 10 cm from tumor), Adeno = adenoma tissue, pat = patient no.: only the last number of the patient ID in Additional file 1: Table S1 is shown here.