Table 3.
Proportion of Cases and Costs Identified for the Different Screening Strategies for the Base-Case Analysis
Screening Strategy and Cutoff Value | Cases Identified, % | Total Costs (Direct), $ | Total Costs (Direct and Indirect), $ | Cost per Case Identified (Direct), $ | Cost per Case Identified (Direct and Indirect), $ |
Diabetes mellitus | |||||
2-h OGTT(200mg/dL) | 100 | 96 065 001 | 156 111 876 | 192 130 | 312 224 |
HbAlc | |||||
5.5% | 33 | 105 182 379 | 138 513 737 | 631 157 | 831 166 |
5.7% | 33 | 97 992 217 | 121 958 136 | 588 012 | 731 822 |
6.5% | 33 | 86 377 340 | 95 214 473 | 518 316 | 571 344 |
Dysglycemia (prediabetes and diabetes) | |||||
2-h OGTT(140mg/dL) | 100 | 96 065 001 | 156 111 876 | 240 | 390 |
Random glucose test | |||||
100mg/dL | 55 | 80 850 720 | 109 451 714 | 368 | 498 |
110mg/dL | 30 | 70 874 680 | 86 481 530 | 591 | 721 |
HbAlc | |||||
5.5% | 45 | 104 685 520 | 137 369 701 | 582 | 763 |
5.7% | 32 | 97 143 559 | 120 004 072 | 759 | 938 |
6.5% | 7 | 86 005 799 | 94 358 987 | 3072 | 3370 |
1-h Glucose challenge test | |||||
110mg/dL | 63 | 85 939 761 | 144 014 430 | 341 | 571 |
120mg/dL | 44 | 77 568 001 | 124 738 157 | 441 | 709 |
Abbreviations: HbAlc hemoglobin Alc; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.