Fig 3.
Allelic polymorphism in aclF1 gene and AclF1 protein. (A) Length polymorphism of the aclF1-collagen-like region. PCR amplicons were generated with the aclF1-CL primers (Table 1) flanking the CL region of the aclF1 gene in 12 A. fumigatus laboratory strains and resolved in a 2% agarose gel. M, 1-kb Plus TrackIt DNA ladder. (B) aclF1/AclF1 gene/protein sequence polymorphism among A. fumigatus strains compared to aclF1 in the sequenced Af293 strain. A summary of nucleotide and amino acid polymorphisms is shown; nonsynonymous polymorphisms are indicated in bold. The asterisk (*) indicates a stop codon.