Fig 3.
PC61 (anti-CD25) treatment in IAV-immune mice prior to LCMV infection resulted in significantly decreased lung pathology. (a) Experimental setup of sequential IAV and LCMV infections with PC61 treatment. Three days prior to LCMV infection, IAV-immune mice were treated i.p. with PBS/isotype or PC61 (anti-CD25) (IAV and PC61) and compared to PBS/isotype-treated naive mice. Lung pathology was analyzed at days 7 and 9 post-LCMV infection, and LCMV viral titers were determined at days 7 to 12 postinfection. (b to e) Lung histology of representative mice: naive untreated, uninfected lung (b); LCMV-infected naive with mild interstitial infiltrates (c); LCMV-infected IAV-immune mice (IAV + LCMV) with consolidation, enhanced BALT (small arrow), and bronchiolization (large arrow) (d); and Treg-depleted LCMV-infected IAV-immune mice with mild interstitial infiltrates (IAV + PC61Tx + LCMV) (e). (f) Scored lung pathology in naive, IAV-immune, and PC61-treated IAV-immune mice post-LCMV infection (pooled data from days 7 and 9 from 4 independent experiments). (g) LCMV viral titers in lungs at days 7, 9, and 12 post-LCMV infection in LCMV-infected IAV-immune and PC61-treated IAV-immune mice (representative experiment of two similar experiments). Open circle, LCMV-infected naive mice; closed, black circle, LCMV-infected IAV-immune mice; half-filled circle, LCMV-infected, PC61-treated IAV-immune mice. Statistical analysis was done using a two-way ANOVA.