Fig 4.
Phenotype of YFV-specific T cells. (A) Ex vivo analysis of 80 million PBMCs from an unvaccinated DRB1*15:01 subject (left) and 20 million PBMCs from a YF-vaccinated DRB1*15:01 subject (right) stained with PE-labeled NS3 145-161 tetramer (Tmer) and CD45RA antibody. The frequencies of T cells per million CD4+ T cells are indicated. (B) Ex vivo analysis of a representative vaccinated DRB1*03:01 subject stained with PE-labeled Env 43-59 tetramer and CD45RA, CXCR3, CCR4, CCR7, and CD38 antibodies. The value in the upper right quadrant of each panel is the percentage of epitope-specific cells that express that marker. (C) Summary of ex vivo T cell phenotypes for vaccinated subjects with DRB1*01:01, DRB1*03:01, DRB1*04:01, DRB1*04:04, DRB1*07:01, DRB1*11:01, or DRB1*15:01 HLA-DR haplotypes. T cells specific for single YFV protein epitopes were stained with PE-labeled tetramers and CD45RA, CXCR3, CCR4, CCR7, and CD38 antibodies. Each data point represents the expression of the corresponding surface marker by T cells from a single vaccinated subject.