Incorporation of deuterium label from terpenoid precursors, administered to isolated fruit exocarp of the Gewürztraminer variety (harvested in 2012), into sesquiterpene volatiles (n=3). [5,5-2H2]-Mevalonic acid lactone (A) or [5,5-2H2]-1-deoxy-D-xylulose (B) were used as precursors incorporated via the MVA and DOXP/MEP pathways, respectively. Sesquiterpenes are numbered according to Fig. 1. Box-whisker plots show the 25th (bottom) and 75th (top) percentile, separated by the median. The mean is depicted by a diamond. The lower whisker corresponds to the bottom percentile minus the minimum value, while the upper whisker indicates the maximum value minus the top percentile.