Overview of the simulated systems and simulation conditions. For the different systems (Sec. 4A), explicit-solvent MD simulations were carried out at 300 K and constant volume (effective solvent density appropriate for water at 1 bar) using cubic periodic computational boxes and lattice-sum electrostatics. For each system, the following quantities are reported: the net charge QP of the protein; the net charge QI of the counter-ion atmosphere; the minimal and maximal edge lengths Lmin and Lmax of the box (incremented in steps of about 0.4 nm; see Table 2 for the individual values); the corresponding minimal and maximal numbers NS,min and NS,max of freely moving water molecules (see Table 2 for the individual values); the number NB of bound (fixed coordinates) water molecules (see Sec. 3A); the numbers NNa,max and NCl,max of sodium and chloride counter-ions included in the largest box of edge Lmax; the ionic strength Istr of the system; the inverse Debye screening length κ of the system. For the systems with counter-ions, the number of ions was adjusted to enforce QI = −QP and to keep Istr and κ approximately constant across the different box-edge lengths. The ligand charge is QL = +1 e in all cases. More detailed information on the simulated systems as well as the raw simulation results can be found in Table S1 of the supplementary material.154