Fig. 5.
Analyses of diversification rates and flower type transitions in Linaria sect. Versicolores. (A) Results of the binary-state speciation and extinction (BiSSE) analysis of the MCC species tree (Fig. 3C), considering two character states corresponding to morphological Types I/II (broad tube) and III (narrow tube). Posterior distributions of parameters (speciation rates, extinction rates, diversification rates and character transition rates) obtained in the MCMC-BiSSE analysis are shown. Horizontal bars indicate the 95 % credibility interval for each parameter. (B) Maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction of morphological Types I/II and III under state-dependent diversification (ASR-BiSSE), based on parameter estimates shown in A. The tree is the MCC species tree with nodes with PP < 0·5 collapsed. (C) Summary distributions of the number of shifts between flower types inferred when implementing parsimony optimization over the full posterior distribution of trees obtained in the *BEAST analysis.