Authors – Pediatrics | Primary Findings |
Rutter et al. (1970)4 | CWE have higher rates of psychiatric disorder (55% complicated, 29% uncomplicated) vs. physical illnesses (12%) vs. HC (7%) |
McDermott et al (1995)103 | CWE with elevated problems (31.4%) vs. cardiac problems (21.1%) and HC (8.5%) |
Davies et al. (2003)5 | CWE with higher rates of psychiatric disorders (56% complicated epilepsy, 26.2% uncomplicated epilepsy) vs. diabetes (10.6%) and HC (9.3%) |
Hoie et al. (2006)104 | CWE have 5–9 times more behavioral problems vs. HC |
Lossius et al. (2006) 105 | CWE more behavior problems vs. HC (OR = 1.82) |
Berg et al. (2007) 106 | CWE worse behavioral and competency scores vs. sibling controls |
Alfstad et al. (2011)8 | CWE more likely to exhibit behavioral problems vs. HC (37.8% vs. 17%) |
Russ et al. (2012) 10 | Increased depression, anxiety, ADHD, conduct, developmental delay, autistic spectrum disorder, social problems, parent aggravation |
Cohen et al. (2012)107 | CWE have elevated rates of ADHD (27.2%) |
Authors – Adults | |
Ettinger (2004)108 | Depression more common in PWE (36.5%) compared to asthma (27.8%) and HC (11.8%). PWE had the most prior consultations and treatments for depression. |
Ettinger (2005)109 | 48% of PWE screened positive for bipolar symptoms which was associated with significantly (p <.0001) more difficulties with work-related performance, social/leisure activities, and social/family interactions. |
Tellez-Zentano et al. (2007) 110 | PWE more likely than individuals without epilepsy to report lifetime anxiety disorders or suicidal thoughts with odds ratio of 2.4 (95% CI = 1.5–3.8) and 2.2 (1.4–3.3), respectively. |
Ottman et al. (2011) 111 | PWE more likely (p < 0.001) to report elevated anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, sleep disorder/apnea, and movement disorder/tremor (PR from 1.27–2.39); migraine headache, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain (PR 1.36–1.96); and asthma (PR 1.25). |
Kessler et al. (2011) 7 | PWE exhibit comorbid panic, PTSD, conduct disorder and substance use disorders. Comorbid disorders explain part of the association of epilepsy with impairment, but epilepsy remains associated with work disability, cognitive impairment and days of role impairment after controlling for comorbidities. |
Rai et al (2012)6 | PWE exhibit elevated social phobia and agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and measures of suicidality, these associations stronger than in asthma or diabetes, and similar to those in people with migraine or chronic headaches. |
Abbreviations: CWE, children with epilepsy; PWE, people with epilepsy; HC, healthy controls; CI, confidence interval; PR, prevalence ratio; ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder; PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder