A |
anterior nucleus of thalamus |
ac |
anterior commisure |
Acb |
nucleus accumbens |
anterior hypothalamic area |
Arc |
arcuate nucleus |
basolateral amygdala |
BM |
basomedial nucleus of amygdala |
BS |
brainstem |
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis |
CA1 |
hippocampus, Cornu Ammonis 1 field of Ammon’s horn |
CA2 |
hippocampus, Cornu Ammonis 2 field of Ammon’s horn |
CA3 |
hippocampus, Cornu Ammonis 3 field of Ammon’s horn |
Ce |
central amygdaloid nucleus |
Cg |
cingulate |
ChPlx |
choriod plexus |
CM |
centromedial nucleus of thalamus |
Co |
cortical amygdaloid nucleus |
Cpu |
caudate putamen |
DG |
dentate gyrus |
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus |
dorsomedial hypothalamus |
DR |
dorsal raphe |
Dtt |
dorsal tenia tecta |
Ent |
entorhinal cortex |
GP |
globus pallidus |
Hb |
habenula |
hippocampus |
Hyp |
hypothalamus |
ICjM |
islands of Calleja, major island |
IG |
indusium griseum |
LA |
lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus |
La |
lateral amygdaloid nucleus |
LD |
lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus |
LH |
lateral hypothalamus |
LS |
lateral septum |
M1 |
primary motor cortex |
M2 |
secondary motor cortex |
MB |
midbrain |
MD |
mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus |
Me |
medial amygdaloid nucleus |
MG |
medial geniculate nucleus |
MnPo |
median preoptic nucleus |
medial preoptic area |
MR |
median raphe |
MS |
medial septum |
periaquaductral gray |
Pin |
pineal gland |
Pir |
piriform cortex |
Pn |
pontine nuclei |
Po |
posterior nucleus of thalamus |
PrL |
prelimbic cortex |
PV |
paraventricular nucleus of thalamus |
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus |
paraventricular nucleus of thalamus, posterior part |
Re |
reuniens nucleus of thalamus |
Rh |
rhomboid nucleus of thalamus |
Rt |
reticular nucleus of thalamus |
S |
subiculum |
SC |
superior colliculus |
suprachiasmatic nucleus |
sm |
stria medullaris of the thalamus |
SN |
substantia nigra |
supraoptic nucleus |
TegN |
tegmental nucleus |
VM |
ventromedial nucleus of thalamus |
ventromedial hypothalamus |
VP |
ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus |
ZI |
zona incerta |