Figure 2. Colocalization between c-Fos and pS6 following Diverse Stimuli.
(A) Response to the drugs kainate (pS6 235/236), cocaine (pS6 244), clozapine (pS6 235/236), and olanzapine (pS6 235/236).
(B) Response to stimuli that induce defensive behavior or aggression, including introduction of an intruder (pS6 244) or exposure to a worn cat collar (pS6 244).
(C) Response to nutritional stimuli, including dehydration (pS6 244), salt challenge (pS6 235/236), overnight fast (pS6 244), and ghrelin (pS6 235/236).
(D) Response inthe suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) following light stimulation at the end of the dark phase (pS6 235/236). Inset region is shown in the second row.
All scale bars, 50 mm except kainate (100 µm). See also Figure S1.