Nuclear extract (+) is either 15μg SH-SY5Y (8A) or H446 (8B) or no extract (-). Competitor/Ab indicates either none (-) or 100x molar excess, double-stranded, unlabeled rs6495309_A (A) or rs6495309_G (G), or antibodies specific to oct-1 (O1), oct-3/4 (O3/4) and their respective control antibodies (R=rabbit, M=mouse). Labeled probe is either 3’ biotin-labeled, double-stranded rs6495309_A or G. Arrows indicate specific bands of unknown protein composition (1 band for SH-SY5Y (8A) and 2 bands for H446 (8b). Sequences provided are for both the biotin labeled and unlabeled probes. Bold letters indicate putative Oct transcription factor binding site.