RT-PCR confirmation of operon structure and expression within Wolbachia infected female and male Culex pipiens mosquitoes. A. RT-PCR analysis of 0282-0283 operon. M is a DNA marker. D is a Wolbachia DNA positive PCR control. At the top of the gels, Plus (+) and minus (−) signify Wolbachia infection status. Negative controls were performed using uninfected (−) female and male mosquitoes; and lanes labeled –RT on bottom signify a reaction without reverse transcriptase as a control for DNA contamination of RNA samples. Positions of primers are indicated by horizontal bars labeled op1, op2, and op3. Bands were excised, sequenced, and determined to be the correct PCR/RT-PCR product. B. RT-PCR analysis of 0294-0295 operon. Symbols are as in A. Bands were excised, sequenced, and determined to be the correct PCR/RT-PCR product. C. Quality of RNA samples assayed by RT-PCR using primers for the mosquito ribosomal protein RpS3. Primer attributes are listed in table S1.