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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Nov 25.
Published in final edited form as: Am Educ Res J. 2011 Jul 29;49(3):10.3102/0002831211416344. doi: 10.3102/0002831211416344

Description of Variable.

Variables Description % imputed
Dependent Variables

College enrollmenta Dichotomous indicator of the college enrollment status as of 2000: no college enrollment and college enrollment.
College degree attainmenta Categorical measure of the highest degree attainted as of 2000: no college enrollment, certificate/associate's degree, BA or above, and no college degree attainment.
Independent Variables
Rurality Trichotomous indicator of rurality: Rural (reference), suburban, and urban. 0.0
Socioeconomic background
Parental educational attainmentb Trichotomous indicator of parental educational attainment when in 12th grade: High school graduation or less (reference), some college, BA or higher. 7.2
Family incomeb Trichotomous indicator of family income in 12th grade; $24,999 or less (reference), $25,000 - $49,999, and $50,000 or more. 14.0
Family composition and social resource
Two-parent familyb Dichotomous indicator of family composition when in 12th grade: Two-parent (i.e., biological mother and father) family versus other family arrangement (e.g., single-parent family) (reference). 11.6
Number of siblingsb Continuous measure of the number of siblings when in 12th grade. 11.7
Parental educational expectationsb Trichotomous indicator of parents' expectation of the surveyed child's education when in 12th grade: High school graduation or less (reference), certificate/associate's degree, and BA or higher. 10.8
Parents discuss with child about academic issuesb Composite score averaging six parent responses about the extent to which they discussed with their children academic work when in 12th grade (alpha = .820) ; Values ranging from 1 (never) to 3 (often). 12.4
Community social resources
Parents communicate with parents of child's friendsb Composite score averaging three parent responses about the extent to which they discussed with parents their teen's friends their academic/career plans when in 12th grade (alpha = .858); Values ranging from 1 (seldom or never) to 4 (almost daily). 20.3
Parents know parents of child's friendsc Continuous measure of the extent of parents knowing the parents of child's closest friends reported by student; values ranging from 1 (not all) to 3 (many of the parents). 17.5
Student attends churchc Continuous measure of how often student attended religious services; values ranging from 1 (not at all) to 6 (more than once a week). 19.9
Academic preparation in high school
GPAa Continuous measure of high school grade point average (GPA), value ranging from 0 to 4. 22.5
Standardized test scores Continuous measure of the NELS senior test score percentile; range from 1 percent (low achieving) to 100 percent (high achieving). 10.8
Curriculum intensity Continuous measure of the rigor of student's high school curriculum determined for multiple subjects (e.g., math, AP courses, English, foreign language, etc.) by assessing both the quality of courses taken and number of hard courses (see Adelman, 2006, for more information on the construction of this variable); values ranging from 1 (lowest quintile) to 5 (highest quintile). 7.6
Female Dichotomous indicator of the student's gender; reference: male 0.0
Race/ethnicity Categorical measure of the student's race; Asian, Hispanic, Black, and White (reference). 0.0
Region Categorical measure of the region of the high school; Northeast, Midwest, South (reference), and West. 0.0

transcript information.


parent questionnaire.


student questionnaire.