Figure 1. Primate genomes contain retrocopies of PPP1R26.
All primates analysed contain the PPP1R26 gene. All Anthropoidea have PPP1R26P1, a 5’-truncated retrocopy of PPP1R26 inserted into intron 2 of the RB1 gene, which is missing in galago (Otolemur garnettii, Strepsirrhini). All Anthropoidea except marmoset have an Alu element (yellow box) inserted in this retrocopy. Apart from the retrocopies in the RB1 gene, the Blat search revealed additional retrocopies on chromosome 22 in human (four retrocopies) and chimpanzee (three retrocopies) and one additional retrocopy on chimpanzee chromosome 8 and marmoset chromosome 4. The pie charts indicate the position of the analysed CpG islands and their degree of methylation (grey, methylated; white, unmethylated). yellow box, Alu element; purple box, ~550 bp duplication; blue box, ~250 bp intronic sequence of intron 1 of the parental gene; green boxes, CpG islands (>300 bp dark; <300 bp light); red sigma sign, gap.