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. 2013 Nov 21;3(11):e003475. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003475

Table 1.

Cohort demographic

Overall Diclofenac group Antihypertensives TB group Antihypertensives AAC group Statins group
Characteristics % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)
Recruited number of patients 100 (32 086) 22.25 (7140) 17.98 (5769) 20.46 (6565) 39.31 (12 612)
 Male 52.98 (16 999) 49.69 (3548) 31.20 (1800) 49.52 (3251) 66.60 (8400)
 Female 47.01 (15 083) 50.29 (3591) 68.80 (3969) 50.46 (3313) 33.38 (4210)
 Unknown 4 1 0 1 2
 40–44 22.0 (7045) 33.8 (2415) 20.4 (1179) 19.1 (1255) 17.4 (2196)
 45–49 22.7 (7289) 26.4 (1886) 22.4 (1295) 22.0 (1445) 21.1 (2663)
 50–54 26.1 (8367) 21.1 (1509) 27.4 (1582) 27.3 (1794) 27.6 (3482)
 55–59 29.2 (9385) 18.6 (1330) 29.7 (1713) 31.5 (2071) 33.9 (4271)
 NZ European* 69.46 (22 287) 61.3 (4377) 76.39 (4407) 69.23 (4545) 71.03 (8958)
 Maori 7.05 (2261) 14.26 (1018) 5.91 (341) 7.75 (509) 3.12 (393)
 Pacific Island† 3.48 (1116) 8.75 (625) 1.87 (108) 2.83 (186) 1.56 (197)
 Asian‡ 5.31 (1703) 5.04 (360) 5.23 (302) 4.90 (322) 5.70 (719)
 Others§ 0.93 (298) 1.44 (103) 0.81 (47) 0.70 (46) 0.81 (102)
 Unknown¶  4421  657  564  957 2243

*NZ European=NZ European, Other European, European NFD.

†Pacific Island=Cook Island, Fijian, Niuean, Samoan, Tokelauan, Tongan, Pacific Island, Other Pacific Island.

‡Asian=Asian, Chinese, Other Asian, Indian, Southeast Asian.

§Others=African, Latin American/Hispanic, Middle Eastern, other, other ethnicity.

¶Unknown=other, other ethnicity, not stated, don't know, refused to answer, response unidentifiable.

AAC, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers; TB, thiazides and β-blockers.